Feisi Fu's Homepage


[2023/12] Our paper REGLO: Provable Neural Network Repair for Global Robustness Properties has been accepted at AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024

[2023/09] I joined Bytedance as a research intern in Machine Learning Infra Team.

[2023/08] Our paper Dormant Neural Trojans has been accepted as a long paper at International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA), 2023.

[2022/11] I have a new paper Dormant Neural Trojans [PDF].

[2022/10] Our paper REGLO: Provable Neural Network Repair for Global Robustness Properties has been accepted as a workshop paper at Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022.

[2022/08] I joined Meta as a research scientist intern in PyTorch Architecture Optimization Team.

[2022/08] I have a new paper A Tool for Neural Network Global Robustness Certification and Training [PDF].

[2022/01] Our paper Sound and Complete Neural Network Repair with Minimality and Locality Guarantees [PDF] is accepted as a poster paper at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022.

[2021/10] I have a new paper “Sound and Complete Neural Network Repair with Minimality and Locality Guarantees” [PDF].

[2020/09] I worked as a Graduate Teaching Fellow for Optimization Theory and Methods (ENG SE524, Boston University).

[2019/09] I worked as a Graduate Teaching Fellow for Optimization Theory and Methods (ENG SE524, Boston University).

[2019/06] I joined Dependable Computing Lab as a Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Wenchao Li .

[2019/05] I completed Boston University Systems Engineering PhD Qualifying Exam and became a Ph.D candidate of Systems Engineering, Boston University.

[2018/07] I graduated from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and got the degree of M.S. on research area Algebraic Geometry.

[2018/03] I got admission to the PhD program in Systems Engineering at Boston University.

[2014/07] I graduated from College of Mathematics, Sichuan University and got the degree of B.S. of Mathematics with distinction.